Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus was the Emperor of Rome from 81-96 AD and was the third and final Emperor of the Flavius dynasty.
Domitian is most well known for his efforts in revaluing Roman currency, restoring a damaged Rome with massive building projects, and expanding the defensive borders of the Roman empire.
Domitian increased the value of Roman Currency by increasing the weight and overall silver content of the denarius.
This particular coin is a Roman Dupondius, which is a copper coin worth 2 aes or 1/2 sestertius or 1/8 denarius.
His reign came to an abrupt end when he was assassinated by officials of the court. Afterwards Domitian’s name was condemned and proclaimed as a cruel tyrant. Modern historians however dispute this claim and label him as a hard ruler, yet very efficient, whose rule lead to peace and prosperity.
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