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Coronet cents (1816?1857)


Matron Head, or Middle Dates (1816?1839)

As a response to public criticism of the Classic Head, the Mint assigned Chief Engraver Scot to redesign the cent in 1816. This newest design enlarged the obverse portrait, giving Liberty a much more mature look (leading to the Matron Head reference), and surrounded the portrait with stars along the outer edge of the coin. The “Matron head” design was modified in 1835 to give Liberty a younger look and matron head cents continued to be made until 1839.

Braided Hair, or Late Dates (1839?1857)

Facing more negative public reaction, the Coronet cents were redesigned in 1835 by new Chief EngraverChristian Gobrecht. This last major change to the coin updated the obverse by giving Liberty a slimmer, more youthful appearance. Minor tweaks continued through 1843, and the 1843 design prevailed through the end of mintage in 1857. Some 11 years after the large cent was discontinued, a mint employee coined several large cents dated 1868, almost certainly for sale as instant rarities to numismatists. Fewer than a dozen of these unofficial issues, struck in both bronze and copper-nickel, are known to survive.


Weight1 lbs